

For additional information regarding reservations, please contact the Student Centers Events Office at 919-51 EVENT (919-513-8368). Exceptions to the reservations guidelines may be granted at the discretion of the Director of the NC State Student Centers or their designee.

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Reservation Guidelines

Talley Student Union, Witherspoon Student Center, and University Outdoor Space facilities may be reserved for use by Registered Student Organizations, University Groups, and Sponsored Non-University Groups, consistent with REG 11.55.02 – Use of University Space and REG 07.25.12 — Solicitation.

  • Reservation Statuses
    • Major Event Review Hold: If your reservation request indicates that your event might qualify as a “Major Event” per REG 11.55.02 Use of University Space, your reservation will be on Major Event Review Hold until your request has been screened and it is cleared to move forward in the Planning process. You will be notified of your assigned date and location once the Major Event Review process has been completed.
    • Planning Hold: Your reservation will be in a Planning Hold while your Event Coordinator works with you to plan and document the details of your event. 
    • In Review: Once the planning process is complete, your reservation will be In Review while your Event Coordinator reviews and confirms the details of your event with you and our Event Implementation Team.
    • Confirmed: All of the details of your reservation have been finalized and approved by you and our Event Implementation Team.
    • Non-University Group Hold: Non-University Group reservations will be in a Non-University Group Hold while our team confirms sponsorship information, drafts a Facility Use Agreement, and collects a deposit.
    • Risk Assessment Hold: If it is determine that a Risk Assessment meeting is required for your event, your reservation will be in a Risk Assessment Hold while the Risk Management plan is developed and documented.
    • Adverse Weather Hold: If an adverse weather location or date is identified for your event, the reservation will be an Adverse Weather Hold.
    • Waitlist: The date or location you requested is currently unavailable, but there’s a potential that it will become available.
    • Pending Request: The reservation request has been received by our Reservations Team and we are still in the process of reviewing and processing the reservation request, or the reservation was submitted before the date that reservations are processed for that location.
  • Reservation Terms and Definitions
    • Open Reservations
      • Open Reservations refers to the date in a semester when restrictions on how many reservations a client can per week or semester are relaxed, and space is available on a first come first served basis.
        • Fall Open Reservations – Day after Labor Day
        • Spring Open Reservations – Day after MLK Jr. Day
        • Summer Open Reservations – Day after Memorial Day
    • Single Reservations
      • Reservations for events, meetings, info tables, or banners that are not part of a recurring series and are not located in a Priority Location. These reservations can be submitted a semester at a time.
        • Fall Events – April 1
        • Spring Events – November 1
        • Summer Events – March 1
    • Series Reservations
      • Reservations for events, meetings, or info tables that are part of a recurring series (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc) and are not located in a Priority Location. These reservations can be submitted a semester at a time.
        • Fall Events – April 1
        • Spring Events – November 1
        • Summer Events – March 1
    • Priority Locations
      • Events in Priority Locations can be requested 1 year in advance of the date of the event. These locations include:
        • Talley Student Union Ballrooms
        • Witherspoon Auditorium
        • Outdoor Locations for Large, Special Events:
          • Stafford Commons
          • Harris Field
          • Brickyard
          • Wolf Plaza
          • Court of North Carolina
      • Annual Events
        • Annual Events in Priority Locations that have been hosted in our space for 3 or more consecutive years. These clients will be contacted more than 1 year in advance of the event date to invite them to submit their request before we begin accepting reservation requests from new events.
      • Major Events
  • Reservation Policies
    • Reservation Privileges and Discounts
      • Student Organizations and University Groups may not assign their reservation privileges to either Non-University Groups (for the purpose of receiving reduced rates) or to individual members of the Student Organization or University Group (for the purpose of benefiting the individual members of the organization or group)
      • Whether the event qualifies as a Student Organization, University Group, or Non-University Group event will be at the discretion of the Student Centers Director.
    • Shared Space Reservations
      • Multiple spaces within Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center are eligible for priority scheduling by the associated partner organizations. The partner organization requests will be filled prior to the shared spaces being available for use by other Student Organizations, University Groups, and Sponsored Non-University Groups.
    • Student Organization Registration
      • Student Organizations must be registered with Student Leadership and Engagement in order to reserve space through NC State Student Centers Events.
        • Exceptions:
          • Interest meetings for new student organizations that are not yet registered with Student Leadership Engagement, these meetings will be assigned specifically to the Student Involvement Suite – TSU 4210.
          • In accordance with REG 07.25.12 — Solicitation students may reserve space to conduct non-commercial solicitation without affiliation with a registered student organization.
    • Reservation Requests
      • Reservation requests must be received through official channels, these include:
        • Event Request Form
        • Mazevo Request
        • Lobby Table and Banner Request Form
    • Student Centers Events Conflict Protocol
      1. Student Center Events manages contracts with external vendors for all of the student centers on campus as well as other designated campus locations.  The purpose of this conflict protocol is to identify:
        1. (1) potential conflicts with certain exclusivity rights possessed by outside vendors which have already invested a great deal of time and effort in their relationship with NC State and have proven their expertise; and
        2. (2) types of commercial activities that compete with the services or products offered by the university.
      2. Any department, company, or campus organization that reserves space in one of the student centers or hosts events such as trade shows, career fairs, expos or information centers, may be asked to provide our event coordinators with a list of proposed companies or organizations involved with its event.
      3. To avoid contractual conflicts, Student Centers Events will review the list of proposed companies or organizations whose university sponsorship or participation may conflict with exclusivity rights possessed by companies already under contract.  Potential conflicts may include, but may not be limited to, services similar to:
        1. catering companies or any food or beverage venue service provider
        2. restaurants/fast food companies
        3. cellular telephone and service providers
        4. printing or copying services
        5. career counseling
        6. banking & financial institutions
      4. Student Centers Events reserves the sole right to enforce this protocol and to make the final decision as to which companies or organizations conflict with existing contracts.
  • Reservable Space Management
    • Student Centers Events reserves the right to determine the best location for an event based on events needs, risk management, and space utilization.
      • We reserve the right to limit the amount or type of activities/events happening in facilities based on the time of the year (i.e. Finals Week) or other events happening in the building (i.e. Early Voting Site)
      • Clients are limited to six (6) Series reservations with a maximum six (6) hour meeting time per week (e.g. 6 – one hour meetings, or 3 – two hour meetings, or 2 – three hour meetings or 1 – six hour meeting per week).
        • Open reservations (additional Priority Events, series, and single reservations) may be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis once the open reservation window for that semester opens.
    • Reservable Hours
      • Talley Student Union, Witherspoon Student Center, and Outdoor Spaces are available to be reserved for events within the Reservable Hours of each location. Reservations that are approved outside of the Reservable Hours will be charged an Early/Late Access Fee.
      • Reservable Hours for Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center are one hour after the building opens through one hour before the building closes.
      • Outdoor Spaces
        • Reservable hours for outdoor spaces are from 7am – 10pm with exceptions granted on a case by case basis.

Event Planning Guidelines

  • Event Planning Guides for Complex Events
  • Campus Resources
    • Space Reservation Contact List
    • Guidelines for Animals at Events
    • Event Parking
    • Better Practices for Hybrid Meetings & Collaboration
      • Session Slides | Zoom recording (access password: M.7d.8c?)
        • Presenters: Hillary Fox, Robin Davis, Konteh Farrar
        • Hybrid meetings aren’t always easy, but with a few tips and tools, you can improve the hybrid meeting experience. Join NC State University Librarians Hillary Fox and Robin Davis as they present recommendations for pre-meeting prep, how to handle different meeting scenarios, and how to promote inclusive meeting behavior. Plus, they’ll provide an engaging segment on collaborative tools that can be used to ease the communication challenges of the hybrid workplace.
  • Food & Beverage Guidelines
    • Student Organization Snack Policy
      • Only non-perishable snacks are allowed (pizza, potato chips, pretzels, cookies, nuts, soft drinks, etc.). Coffee (for personal use) may be brought in a thermos or a similar container that does not require electricity. Appliances that require an electrical outlet or any type of sterno or open flame are not allowed. Student Organizations may not bring perishable food items (food that must be maintained at a certain temperature to prevent spoilage) such as meat and dairy products or mayonnaise-based items into the Student Centers. The Student Organization is responsible for removal of all items brought into the Student Centers. The student organization snack policy is for Registered Student Organizations Only.
    • Catering
      • Rave! Catering and Makus Empanadas are the approved caterers for Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center (see REG 11.55.01 – Production, Service, and Sale of Food). Please indicate on your Event Request Form which catering option you will be utilizing for your event.
      • Exceptions may be granted in rare circumstances to use external catering. To request an exception, an External Catering Request form must be submitted to the Student Centers Event Services office no later than 45 days prior to the date of the event. Student Centers Events, Rave! Catering, and University Dining will review the request to determine if an exception is granted. If an exception is granted, the sponsoring organization must submit an External Catering Agreement form and is required to pay an external catering fee ($50.00 or 10% of the total catering bill, whichever is greater) and to abide by the food handling practices in the External Catering Agreement.
    • Donated Food
      • Organizations wishing to bring in outside food that has been donated must request an exception to the catering policy (above). To request an exception, a Donated Food Request Form must be submitted to Rave! Catering no later than four (4) weeks prior to the date of the event. Student Centers Events, Rave! Catering, and University Dining will review the agreement to determine if an exception is granted. Exceptions may be granted in rare circumstances to use external catering as part of a donation. If an exception for donated food is granted, the sponsoring organization is required to pay an external catering fee ($50.00 or 10% of value of the donation, whichever is greater) and to abide by the food handling practices in the External Catering Agreement.
    • Alcohol

Advertising & Promotions Guidelines

The Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center can provide advertising and promotional opportunities for Student Organizations and University Groups. 

  • Talley Info Tables: 
    • Information tables may be reserved at Talley Student Union for the advertising or promotion of meetings, events, and programs, and for purposes that do not conflict with Student Centers Events Conflict Protocol. During Info Table peak hours (10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday – Friday) users may be limited to one reservation per week depending on the number of requests and availability.
    • Main Lobby events are permitted for Department related university wide events.
  • Outdoor Info Tables: 
    • Outdoor Info Tables may be reserved by Students, Student Organizations, University Groups and Sponsored Non-University Groups on Stafford Commons, Wolf Plaza, and the Brickyard. Student Centers Events only provides four foot tables and chairs for outdoor events. We do not provide equipment set up. Equipment from Student Centers Events must be requested and will be listed on your confirmation and can be picked up at the Talley Student Union Information Desk. You are responsible for returning the equipment to Talley upon the conclusion of your event. Any damaged or missing equipment may result in a fine to the client
    • Amplified Sound at Outdoor Info Tables will be considered on a case by case basis. Clients must request to use amplified sound with their Student Centers Events Coordinator during the reservation and planning process.
  • Commercial Solicitation: All forms of Commercial Solicitation shall follow the provisions in REG 11.55.02 – Use of University Space and must reserve space through Student Centers Events. Students, Student Organizations and University Groups may sponsor Non-University Group lobby tables and information tables. The Sponsored Non-University Group will be required to complete a Facility Use Agreement and will be charged at the rate of $130 per day per table. We must receive your payment and completed Facility Use Agreement within 2 business days of your reservation request (and prior to your event date) in order to confirm your reservation. All info tables must be staffed by a member of the reserving organization for the duration of the reservation. Info Table activities must not: substantially disrupt University activities and functions;
    • violate any other applicable University policies;
    • obstruct building entrances, walkways, rights-of-way, or vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
    • interfere with educational activities, meetings, events, or ceremonies or with other essential processes of the University. 
  • Banners: Banner space is reservable along the railing adjacent to the main lobby in Talley Student Union. Banners must be 96” x 40” and be professionally printed with 3 grommets horizontally across the top (one in each corner and one in the middle) and 2 additional grommets (one on each side 13” below the top corners). All banners will be installed and removed by Student Centers staff. Unless otherwise requested, your banner will be recycled at the conclusion of your reservation.
    • Banners advertising University Group or Registered Student Organization events in the Student Centers:
      • Banners can be displayed for two (2) weeks prior to the actual event.
      • There is no charge for reservation.
    • Banners advertising “Awareness Months”:
      • University Groups located within the Student Centers can display banners promoting “Awareness Months” for 1 month at a time.
      • There is no charge for reservation.
    • All other banner requests: 
      • Reservations will be available at a 1-week minimum and no longer than 2 weeks.
      • Reservations Rates (charged in full week increments):
        • Standard Rate = $250/week
        • University Group Discounted Rate = $125/week
        • Registered Student Organization Discounted Rate = $25/week
      • These banners are limited to the 4th floor South railing
  • Electronic Billboard Screens: Space is available on screens throughout Talley and Witherspoon to display digital advertising for events that will be held in the Student Centers. Digital advertising must be submitted to the Student Centers Events Office as a jpeg 1920 x 1080, png 1920 x 1080, or pptx 20 x 11 file. Digital advertising can be displayed for one (1) week prior to the actual event and is limited to one slide per event.
  • Stafford Commons Media Mesh & Pavilions TV: These resources are to be used in conjunction with programs and events held in these locations.
  • Free Standing Exhibit Space: Exhibit space is available in Talley Student Union for use by University Groups housed within the Student Centers. Indoor space for Exhibits is limited to two (2) weeks. Exhibits must be maintained throughout the reservation period by the sponsoring department and must have signage that indicates the sponsoring department. Exhibits must be removed on the last day of the reservation.
  • Display Cases: Display cases are available for use by Student Organizations and University Groups. Exhibits in these cases are limited to topics  1.) focusing on showcasing diversity and inclusion at NC State or 2.) coinciding with an event in Stewart Theatre or the Ballroom. Exhibits will be displayed for a minimum of three days but could be allowed up to a maximum of one month depending on other requests for use. Exceptions may be granted to accommodate special installations, traveling exhibits, or to ensure the cases are utilized.
  • Donation Bins: Donation Drives are required to use Donation Bins provided by NC State Student Centers. All donations should be dropped off at Talley Student Union Information Desk. The sponsoring organization must provide an 8 ½x11″ landscape flier with the organization name, collection dates, and any other pertinent information. A schedule of donation pick ups must be provided to the Event Coordinator prior to Donation Drive.

Day Of Event Guidelines

  • Cancellation / No Show Policy
    • Failure to cancel a reservation in a timely manner will result in a late cancellation/no show fee as outlined below. 
    • Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center (including Stafford Commons)
      • University Groups and Student Organizations:
        • Reservations with Event Staffing (30 days notice required):
          • Cancellation prior to the day of the event but less than 30 days from the event will result in a Late Cancellation fee of 25% of the University Group Discounted Reservation Rate.
          • Cancellation on the day of the event or failure to show up for the event will result in a Late Cancellation/No Show fee of 25% of the University Group Discounted Reservation Rate and any staffing fees associated with the reservation.
        • All Other Reservations (24 hours notice required):
          • Cancellation with less than 24 hours notice or failure to show up for event will result in the following Late Cancellation/No Show fee:
            • University Groups: $15
            • Student Organizations: $10
      • Non-University Groups:
        • All Non-University Groups are required to pay a 25% Non-Refundable Deposit to reserve space.
    • Non-University Groups:
      • All Non-University Groups are required to pay a 25% Non-Refundable Deposit to reserve space.  
  • Safety / Security
    • Certain events on University property will be subject to a security assessment by NC State University Police. The Student Centers Events office will review all events for potential safety and security issues or threats. If an event could pose a potential risk to the safety and security of the event participants and audience, or to the campus community, and to ensure that event sponsors are able to successfully hold an event and the rights of free expression are protected, the Student Centers Events office will contact the University Police Department and request a security assessment pursuant to REG 11.55.02, Use of University Space.
    • If University Police determines the event requires additional security, the Student Centers Events office will arrange a security assessment meeting with University Police, the event organizer(s), and other relevant University departments or units at least four (4) weeks prior to the event (University Police requires three weeks’ notice to obtain security coverage)  to exchange information about the event and discuss logistical expectations. University Police will discuss security concerns and recommendations at the security assessment meeting. If University Police advises that an event requires additional security, Student Centers Events, University Police, other relevant University departments and units, and the event organizer will coordinate the necessary arrangements.  An additional meeting may be required if new information becomes available that requires the security assessment to be modified or to ensure that all pre-event requirements have been carried out.
    • Additional security requirements may include providing additional law enforcement officers, imposing controls or security checkpoints at the event, creating buffer zones around the event venue, barricades, metal detectors, parking control, as well as other security measures required based on the information provided and not founded on the subject matter or anticipated viewpoints expressed at the event.
    • The event organizer will be responsible for fees associated with any additional security.  In addition, the event organizer must comply with all pre-event requirements as established by Student Center Events and other University departments or units or the event may be canceled.
  • Internet Access
    • NC State University provides free guest wifi, for more information click here!
    • If you need a hardline ethernet connection for your event, please discuss with your Event Coordinator during the planning process. Additional charges will apply.
  • On-Site Support & Day Of Changes
    • If you need assistance while on-site the day of your event, please call the Student Centers Information Desk at 919.515.3138.
    • Please discuss access time with your Event Coordinator during the planning process. Early or late access may not be accommodated on the day of the event if it is not planned prior.
    • We understand that things might come up on the day of your event that require changes to previous plans. Please do not move furniture on your own, call us instead! We will do our best to accommodate last minute changes when possible. Additional charges may apply.
    • Staffing rates will be applied based on planned time of event. If your event runs over the planned time, staffing rates will be added for additional time.
  • Loading / Unloading
    • If you will be bringing materials for your event, please discuss with your Event Coordinator during the planning process.
    • Access to the Talley Student Union Loading Dock must be coordinated ahead of time.
  • Accessibility
  • Housekeeping & Maintenance
    • We pride ourselves in providing a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for your event. Should a housekeeping need arise during your event please contact the Student Centers Information Desk at 919.515.3138.
    • Please remove all decorations, equipment, and supplies you brought following your event. Excessive clean up following your event will result in additional staffing charges.
    • Any damage incurred during your event will be assessed on a case by case basis and billed to the client. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to walls and floors from adhesives, damage to event equipment, and missing event equipment.

Post Event Guidelines

  • Shipping Items
    • If you have items that need to be shipped after your event concludes, please box and label your items and leave them with our event staff. You are responsible for scheduling a pick up time with your preferred shipping provider (FedEx, UPS, etc.).
  • Lost & Found
    • Items lost during events in Talley Student Union and Witherspoon Student Center will be turned in to the Talley Student Union Information Desk. Please contact the desk at 919.515.3138 if you believe an item was lost during your event.
  • Invoicing
    • Event invoices will be emailed to the contact of record for your event the week after your event date. Payment can be made by check, IDT, or credit card over the phone.
    • To pay by check: please send a check (with your invoice number on it) to: NC State Student Centers, Campus Box 7203, Raleigh, NC 27695. Please make checks payable to NC State Student Centers.
    • To pay with credit card please visit and complete required fields only. For Payment Purpose enter “Student Centers Event.” Please wait until your receive an invoice email from our office to make a credit card payment.
  • Satisfaction Surveys
    • We invite you to provide feedback on your experience working with our team! A staff member will be in touch following your event with a satisfaction survey.
    • If you have concerns please reach out to Associate Director for Event Services, Erica Epps at